As part of the characterisation work for the CSIRO Mineback Project at Northparkes Mine in NSW, Ken Mills and Jesse Puller of SCT Operations carried out two ANZI overcore measurements from underground to characterise the in situ stresses in three dimensions. After finishing these measurements, they moved the core drill and set it up to take a sample from one of the hydraulic fractures. This photo shows the 162mm diameter hole left in the tunnel wall with the green propped hydraulic fracture clearly shown. Details of the mineback conducted at this site can be found in Jeffrey, R.G., Bunger, A.P., Lecampion, B., Zhang, X., Chen, Z.R., van As, A., Allison, D.P., de Beer, W., Dudley, J.W., Siebrits, E., Thiercelin, M., Mainguy, M., 2009. Measuring hydraulic fracture growth in naturally fractured rock. Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE, New Orleans, SPE 124919.